Many thanks to Yo Voy Verde for donating 25 Yo Voy Verde booklets emphasizing environmental awareness. The book is a unique educational tool designed specifically for children. It easily captures kids' attention with games, mazes and shapes to color in, while telling an important story of the contamination of our oceans. Children quickly personify with the main characters - all marine animals- which makes the story incredibly real for them. THANK YOU YO VOY VERDE!!
We're all creative! Todos somos creativos! Pilot Project, Panama City, Panama
Documentation of a cultural pilot project in an indigenous Kuna community in the outskirts of Panama City, coordinated by Agata Surma and Beatriz Abramovich. Includes descriptions of workshops/events/collaboration + observations. Go Koskuna!
sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011
July 17th - ECOMURAL in KOSKUNA with SEMBRARTE & Yo Voy Verde
What an amazing day that was! The Sembrarte team showed up early and started outlining the mural's design with black paint. Then Yo Voy Verde joined in. Children were divided into groups of 5, and given primary colors and brushes. The adventure began! We mixed colors, shared paint, laughed, worked hard, and painted away, all together!! THANK YOU ALL FOR PARTICIPATING!

viernes, 15 de julio de 2011
July 10, 2011 KOSKUNA - LIKEs & DISLIKEs
Today we decided to do a simple activity with the kids to see how they feel about Koskuna as a place to live. We divided them into two groups, and each of them needed to have a partner to collaborate with on the project. One group of kids was supposed to draw on one large piece of paper all the things that they like about their community. The other group was supposed to draw all that they do not like about Koskuna. Every couple had 20 seconds to draw their idea, and after a couple of minutes the groups would switch. It was a very powerful exercise! The kids new exactly what they did not like (guns, violence, drugs, death, abuse, cigarets, alcohol, etc.) and what they liked (sun, nature, flowers, art, music, trees, animals, peace, etc.) Take a look at the pictures:
jueves, 14 de julio de 2011
July 2, 2011 - Preparation for a MURAL - Priming the wall
Today, we started to prepare for a Mural Painting Event scheduled for the 17th of July here in Koskuna, organized by a Panamanian group of artist called SEMBRARTE, and an environmental campaign headed by Mario Lozano Yo Voy Verde...y tu?
martes, 28 de junio de 2011
June 26, 2011 - Collage Craze with DINA
Today, Dina Aranda led a workshop on collage making. Dina is 23 years old, and currently finishing up her degree in Visual Arts, focusing on painting. As a Kuna artist she loves to share her knowledge and experience with the young ones. She has many friends and family members in the Koskuna community, which makes her work with Koskuna kids much easier. Today, she talked to the kids about her work as an artist, and showed how they can produce their own creations by using images from magazines and newspapers. We also used other materials, such as recycled packaging from different foods to create art with an ECO message.
miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011
It´s Time to Play!
"If you're a kid, playing is your job"
And that is exactly what we did on Sunday the 12th of June.
With a wonderful collaboration from Dashna Chavarria, a psychologist from Fundación Amaneceres in Panamá we took the time to just play!
Singing songs such as Mi nombre es, Un gusanito, Ula le Lula, Familia Sapo, La conga, Mi Sopa, and playing games like Escondite inglés and Las chapas we relaxed, laughed a lot and had a great time together!
Thanks to Dashna for coming and enjoying this time with us!
And that is exactly what we did on Sunday the 12th of June.
With a wonderful collaboration from Dashna Chavarria, a psychologist from Fundación Amaneceres in Panamá we took the time to just play!
Singing songs such as Mi nombre es, Un gusanito, Ula le Lula, Familia Sapo, La conga, Mi Sopa, and playing games like Escondite inglés and Las chapas we relaxed, laughed a lot and had a great time together!
Thanks to Dashna for coming and enjoying this time with us!
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