martes, 28 de junio de 2011

June 26, 2011 - Collage Craze with DINA

Today, Dina Aranda led a workshop on collage making.  Dina is 23 years old, and currently finishing up her degree in Visual Arts, focusing on painting. As a Kuna artist she loves to share her knowledge and experience with the young ones. She has many friends and family members in the Koskuna community, which makes her work with Koskuna kids much easier. Today, she talked to the kids about her work as an artist, and showed how they can produce their own creations by using images from magazines and newspapers. We also used other materials, such as recycled packaging from different foods to create art with an ECO message.

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

It´s Time to Play!

"If you're a kid, playing is your job"

And that is exactly what we did on Sunday the 12th of June.
With  a wonderful collaboration from Dashna Chavarria, a psychologist from Fundación Amaneceres in Panamá we took the time to just play!
Singing songs such as Mi nombre es, Un gusanito, Ula le Lula, Familia Sapo,  La conga, Mi Sopa, and  playing games like Escondite inglés and Las chapas we relaxed, laughed a lot and had a great time together!

Thanks to Dashna for coming and enjoying this time with us!

martes, 7 de junio de 2011

June 5, 2011 - Taller de cometas con Club Rotario Panamá Metro / Let's make KITES!

On June 5 we had a great pleasure to guest Club Rotario Panamá Metro in Koskuna who organized a Kite making workshop.  We started promptly at 9 am with a group of 20 children who signed up for this workshop earlier that week. Jany Sibauste, a professional flamenco dancer, ran a quick warm up and proceeded to explain the plan for the day, while the others were preparing the materials. As time went by more and more children kept coming. I think more than 40 kids showed up that morning; something we hadn't predicted. We ran out of sticks so we had to forget about the children not on the list, and focus on helping those that were having trouble tying the sticks together to make a base for the kite. Jany and  other members of the Rotary Club were truly amazing though. We also had two wonderful young Kuna women helping out  - Dina and Chani. Many thanks to all of these people for showing up on Sunday morning, and making the workshop run smoothly. Kids loved it!


jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

May 29, 2011 - Visit to Punta Culebra Nature Center - Tocamos Estrellas!

Last Sunday we took a group of 12 children from Koskuna to the PUNTA CULEBRA Nature Center run by the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. Thanks to Lidia de Valencia, the Educational Director at Punta Culebra, the group from Proyecto Koskuna accessed the center free of charge, for which we are very grateful.