The Koskuna Project was officially decided upon December 4, when Jose Colman and Agata Surma met at Taller de Arte Guiled run by Iguandili Lopez and Diguar Sapi. It was Jose's initiative, and at that time he had already gotten the support of the community Directiva. Our first excursion out into the Koskuna community was on December 12. It was a scouting trip to see the children's response. We were given the entire community building to be painted with Kuna themed murals. Our designs are inspired by the beauty of the natural world, and various Kuna myths and traditions. We have also used images from the works of famous Kuna artists Oswaldo de Leon Kantule and Ologuaili with their permission. On the first Sunday of work we were accompanied by Adriana Tapia, a Colombian biologist. We used charcoal to draw shapes on 4 columns facing the street: 1 - A woman playing flute, 2 - The forest, 3 - A snake, 4 - Sea creatures. Soon a bunch of boys showed up wanting to know what we were doing, so we got them painting with us. 

Later on, an older boy named Jose decided to paint an iguana on a cement bench at the edge of the building. It came out amazing! The bench however is situated right where waterfalls of rain water come down from the roof during the rainy season, chipping away paint with ease. We put many layers of varnish over the paint that's no challenge to Panamanian rains. The only solution to save this beautiful piece would be to extend the roof. We spent the next Sunday painting away, barracudas, crabs, dragonflies and molas. We had a whole family come over to spend time together painting; it was a wonderful site.
“Todos somos creativos y estamos en el mundo para crear”
Promover la paz, prosperidad y bienestar usando el arte como herramienta para reducir la violencia en la Comunidad KosKuna en Veracruz.
Desarrollo de una alternativa de ocio, promoviendo así la creatividad de los niños y jóvenes de la Comunidad.
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