martes, 7 de junio de 2011

June 5, 2011 - Taller de cometas con Club Rotario Panamá Metro / Let's make KITES!

On June 5 we had a great pleasure to guest Club Rotario Panamá Metro in Koskuna who organized a Kite making workshop.  We started promptly at 9 am with a group of 20 children who signed up for this workshop earlier that week. Jany Sibauste, a professional flamenco dancer, ran a quick warm up and proceeded to explain the plan for the day, while the others were preparing the materials. As time went by more and more children kept coming. I think more than 40 kids showed up that morning; something we hadn't predicted. We ran out of sticks so we had to forget about the children not on the list, and focus on helping those that were having trouble tying the sticks together to make a base for the kite. Jany and  other members of the Rotary Club were truly amazing though. We also had two wonderful young Kuna women helping out  - Dina and Chani. Many thanks to all of these people for showing up on Sunday morning, and making the workshop run smoothly. Kids loved it!


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